AXA vs. Globelink Travel Insurance Comparison

We compared travel insurance policies for you to save your time and money!


As Travel Insurance popularity grows, the number of travel insurance providers is larger than ever, and it can be hard to choose the right cover. The best way to find the protection that meets your needs is to compare the features, benefits, prices and excess levels of different companies and insurance plans. We’ve taken a look at a comparison between travel insurance policies offered by two companies – AXA Group and Globelink Travel Insurance.


AXA S.A. is a global French investment, retirement and insurance group that trade in the UK as well as many other countries. AXA Travel Insurance is just one of the business branches operated by the AXA Group. Their main business segments include Life & Savings, Property & Casualty, International Insurance, Asset Management and Other Financial Services.


Unlike AXA Group Globelink focuses on their one and only priority – Travel Insurance for UK and EU residents.


The table below shows a quick and easy comparison between the basic Single Trip, Worldwide policies offered by AXA and Globelink. You will see that Globelink’s option is cheaper than the basic Travel Insurance product offered by AXA. We know, however, that price isn’t always everything, so we’ve checked excess levels, qualifying criteria and key benefits provided by each company, so you can take a long hard look at each element before you decide. There are several differences, such as Globelink offers a wider age range and lower excess levels. If selecting an AXA Travel Insurance policy, do check that you are happy with the higher excess levels, as this is the amount that you are responsible to pay if you make a claim.


Another major difference between the two companies is the availability of their insurance services to residents outside the UK. AXA Travel Insurance is available to travellers permanently residing in the UK and registered with the medical practitioner. Whereas, Globelink  residents in the UK and anywhere else in the EU, as Australian, New Zealand and South American passport holders currently living in the UK.


AXA Travel Insurance Comparison with Globelink

  AXA Travel Insurance Globelink Travel Insurance 
Single Worldwide Trip travel insurance policy for 30 days £76.73 £
Maximum Trip Duration on Annual Policy (Worldwide) Up to 45 days 120 days - for up to 65 years
60 days for 66-70 years
Minimum Age limit 18 16
Maximum Age limit 74 89
Excess for Emergency Medical Expenses £150
(Bronze cover)
(Economy Policy)
Excess for cancellation £150
(Bronze cover)
(Economy Policy)
Cancellation or curtailment cover £1000
(Bronze cover)
Up to £2000
(Economy Policy)
Personal Liability Cover £1 000 000
(Bronze cover)
£2 000 000
(Economy Policy)
Missed Departure cover £500
(Bronze cover)
Up to £500 in total
(Economy Policy)


Depending on the trip duration, style of travelling, budget, preferred activities and travel destinations, both of the compared travel insurance providers may be of help to you.  Read the policy wording and the small print to make a right choice.


We hope that our research will be of use to you and will help you stay safe on your journey.   


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