17 Feb 2009 by Olga Brighton
If you are visiting countries with reported outbreaks of H5N1 bird flu among poultry, you should observe the following measures:
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If you have been in contact with live or dead poultry in an affected country be aware of the symptoms of bird flu in humans. They are similar to ordinary flu symptoms and can appear suddenly. They may include: a fever (temperature of 38°C or more) cough, shortness of breath, headache, sore throat, sore eyes, muscle aches. If you have these symptoms whilst abroad and have been in close contact with live or dead poultry you should seek medical advice locally. For further travel advice consult the National Travel Health Network Centre (NaTHNaC) and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office website.
How to avoid mosquito bites. Remember always add your insect repellent after the sun cream. Mosquito’s love body lotion, perfumes and scented soap so smell nice and make their day! We recommend repellents with at least 30% DEET. Clothing treatment helps prevents bites. Spray waistbands, collars and cuffs. Mosquito nets are recommended for use in malaria areas unless you’re sleeping in an air-conditioned room allowing you to keep those windows closed
Travel safe with Globelink International!
Published with the kind permission of The Travel Clinic Ltd.
Read also: 3 Essential Facts About Vaccinations And Travel Insurance
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