06 Nov 2014 by Olga Brighton
Britain has a reputation of a rather safe travel destination. Safety and security in the UK may be some of the best in the world. But although violent crimes are quite rare, crime still occurs. As with all other countries, tourists are particularly vulnerable to all the mishaps, that is why they should be extra cautious.
First, keep your wallet out of sight and try not to carry large amounts of money with you. Don’t carry your mobile phone and other valuables in your pockets. Avoid wearing backpack and carrying bags where you can’t see them. Pickpockets operate in especially crowded and busy areas like underground for example.
Be particularly cautious at night. Try to stay in busy, well-lit areas. If you have to use the public transport, try to sit near the driver on the bus, and choose carriages with people in it on the train.
To protect your documents, either leave them in the safe at the hotel or carry them on your person. Never leave you valuables lying unattended in your car or your hotel room.
Be wary of anyone trying to divert your attention. This may be just a way to distract and pickpocket you.
Read also: Transport & Driving in the UK
If you are travelling to the large cities in the UK, you are likely to encounter beggars. In the majority of cases, they don’t cause any trouble, but if they do, report the incident to the police. If you wish to give them some money, make sure you have some change instead of flashing your full wallet.
As everywhere else in the world, in the UK you may encounter people who wish to take advantage of the unsuspecting tourists. When travelling, we often let our guard down and become more vulnerable to scams. Extra caution and common sense are crucial in this case.
Be cautious with anyone offering you a free ride and don’t ever use unlicenced taxi. You may find yourself driven around the city by the driver extorting a huge fare from you. Drivers of reputable taxis always carry identification and have their license placed on the back of their vehicle.
Keep in mind, that suspiciously good offers of accommodation may very well be scams. Be particularly wary of anyone stopping you around the airport or major transport stations to offer you a room for rent.
Also, remember to never buy tickets to the shows, sporting events, theatre or any tourist attractions on the black market. You are most likely to find out later that your tickets are invalid and your money is lost.
Remember that all these cases are rare and most likely your trip to the UK will be just as amazing as you plan. To make sure any of these small mishaps won’t touch you and spoil the whole trip, take out a fitting travel insurance policy. Everything is better when you have that peace of mind. Listen the locals’ advice, trust your instincts and enjoy your trip to the UK.
Read also: Hospitals & Healthcare in the UK
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